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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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washington confirms its investor to libya was among those killed during an overnight mob rage on the newest consulate in benghazi. back in the bailout a german court approves of the permanent euro zone rescue fund. approves the way you put into your joy in the five hundred billion euro facility there are conditions attached all the latest from the german capital coming up shortly. and over a million got to learn the ins march for independence from spain claiming woodridge is dragging the region down.
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live from moscow this is r t with me to bang would say first president obama has confirmed that the u.s. ambassador to libya and three other officials were killed in the city of benghazi christopher stevens who was at the consulate there when an armed mob stormed the compound in protest said an american film which has been described as an insult to islam it's the first time of the u.s. ambassador has been killed in line of duty since one thousand nine hundred seventy nine artie's correspondent be on it she can joins us now for the latest on this good to see you there what's america's reaction to the storming of its consulate in libya and the killing of its staff. well condemnation of course condemnation of the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi was the revenge for a movie a largely unknown film which makes fun of prophet muhammad and president obama's
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statement was quote while the united states rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants and of quote investor chris stevens and three other americans all u.s. embassy employees died in the attack this tuesday night investor stevens was typically based in the living capital tripoli but was apparently visiting benghazi for the opening of of an american cultural center there he reportedly died from smoke inhalation this angry mob set the consulate on fire witnesses say they also used machine guns and rocket propelled grenade to there is a lot of that in benghazi leave it was flooded with weapons to fight colonel gadhafi but we haven't heard and correct me if i'm wrong is condemnation from. from the currently viewing president mohammed mohamed el great going back to the movie
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that instigated this deadly attack it was produced by real estate the developer as we know from california who put its trailer on you tube something that very few people saw before florida preacher preacher from florida terry jones started promoting it the same preacher who was burning of a koran last year triggered riots in of ghana's then this latest film obviously caught fire with his lamis with people in that part of the world where they don't let things like that just go was they didn't get caricature of mohammed in a danish newspaper in two thousand and five that triggered a lot of rights as we remember. you're right in saying that we haven't heard anything yet from mr morsi now the killings in libya to praise just after the u.s. embassy in cairo was attacked is this turning into a regional assault on american diplomatic missions. well the fury about this movie really actually started in egypt thousands stormed the u.s.
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embassy in cairo they outnumbered the guards so with some point they were they were able to tear down the u.s. flag and replace it with an islamic banner muslim brotherhood which is now in power in egypt called for nationwide protests the revolutions both in egypt and in libya ended up with islamists in power maybe the new leaders themselves are not fundamentalists but they do appeal to those with hardcore religious sentiments the kind of sentiments which spilled into the violence tuesday night the assaults were a violent reminder that the changes sweeping the region have hardly dispelled the rage against the united states even though levy zero percent believe it was the us which essentially brought about the government that they have now by bringing down qaddafi. from u.s. capital that was archies corresponded guy and then she can thank you. let's discuss the attacks on american diplomatic missions with benjamin who is and independent global affairs research judge joining us right now mr should investors stephens was
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responsible for building washington's relations with the libyan post revolution interim leadership does that indicate that the people behind the attack are all very different mindset to libya's current rulers. mohamed. first of of all. i would never talk about last roll of us on the territory of a slave the article claims it's small it's going to look at the states right now due to the u.s. policy. and the united states a part of militant extremist islamic groups in order to talk the government up. and one example that the libyan islamic. fighting group. and its according to washington post and a terrorist organization with links to al qaeda nevertheless already ninety nine to
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six. so they received support from british secret service m i six then harder to work out he did which at that time did not work out as we know. and even after nine eleven and two thousand and two i. got the part from western powers in any case doing the so-called uprising in the last year and because they don't come back and then. got support from the us and saudi allies and so on so. obviously the united states never stops supporting minutes on islamic rule but as long as it's a geopolitical interests what does this attack say about the authorities grip on security in post khadafi libya. it's. it shows that let you know it's part of the broader about and i was
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a nation of the the middle east and it's in central asia. which is a direct result of us look. we saw what happened in afghanistan or look at happenings in iraq after the u.s. invasion a clash between sunni and shiite and kurdish analysis in the independent we can say . we see what's happening right now in syria where the sectarian violence is being a product from the outside from the gulf states and there are some fronts again you know governments are question either. it's what's happening in libya there are all these difference militias. both the part that receives a part in order to fight against gadhafi and now it's. turning against each other. and. push for
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a travelogue zation the sort of little missa said it's believed the attacks were a response to the u.s. still not deemed offensive to islam but it could also be a side effect of u.s. foreign policy in the region. definitely. i mean the whole story was like clash of civilization question honestly again it's long islamic and christianity. it's all these stories they do not. show the real picture that we have pictured the majority of muslims are it's good for the majority of christians jaws or. so militant factions to mix it. inspired. by barbie ideology and the saudi money and it's also probably supported by western secret services and this policy of stop supporting militant extremist islamic groups as long as the third geopolitical interests siding secular independence and
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governments in the middle east. or direct military intervention involve crimes impoverishing of the whole region and so i'm certain that. this needs. to increase islamic. religious movements and also can turn out to be a threat to us that it does which is well now we know it's the first death of a high profile u.s. diplomat on duty abroad has one hundred seventy nine could this killing affect future policy making in the state department do you think. u.s. official program very cynical. when it comes to. doing any bombing comparing in yugoslavia iraq and afghanistan because all of the rogue elements. of course. when it comes to the death of one american or u.s.
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talk about their rights. well in the mindset of. both of them provide the real damage because it won't make love from their policy. there is no. glory of america. right let's leave it right there thank you very much benjamin shared an independent global affairs a researcher live from one tree are you and staying with the attacks on the u.s. diplomatic missions of the u.s. secretary of state has just given a news conference in reaction to them hillary clinton firmly condemned the violence but said it want of fact the american friendship with libya well also expecting president obama to address on the media shortly stay with us on that. why we're closely following this developing story on our website at r.t.
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dot com we explore further the attacks on u.s. missions in benghazi in cairo as unrest in two post revolution countries continues to unfold the timeline of the protests is also available for you online. germany's a federal court has backed a motion considered crucial for containing the debt crisis that's been raging europe for almost three years now it approves a new five hundred billion euro bailout fund for struggling eurozone countries however the ruling comes with several conditions as archies put all of our reports from berlin. the maximum amount that germany will be able to put in is one hundred and ninety billion if they want to put in any more than that they can have to go to the bundestag and it's going to have to be a vote on it also both houses of the german parliament are going to have to be kept up to date with exactly what that money is being spent on it's
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a political success for. merkel she backed the system wholeheartedly and of course she's got an election coming up next year she couldn't afford any major embarrassment however the fact that it has to go through a vote in the bundestag and that the amount has been capped could mean that she faces a few internal problems inside the journal put the german parliament if they want to try and increase the amount of money germany is going to give to those failing economies in the rest of the eurozone the five hundred billion euro ports that's not infinite it's got it's not a bottomless pit of cash what happens if other countries for by the way at the moment we're seeing greece needing that bailout money desperately what happens if all of that bailout money or too much of that bailout money spent on greece and say countries like italy or spain slip further into the economic mire does that mean that there's simply no cash left but there in terms of greece supposed i say they will be quite happy to hear that this is gone through but there's a huge meeting taking place in the country on wednesday now that is
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a meeting between the heads of the coalition the ruling coalition government there they have problems they can't decide how they're going to make the huge over ten billion worth. of budget cuts they can decide how they're going to do that without hurting the greek people too much so it could end up if they can't make those cuts all of this decision in germany might have fallen by the wayside because the bottom line is if greece doesn't cut they don't get bailout money whatever the german constitutional court ruled. live now with us is a mr john locke lender the director of studies at the. institute of democracy and corporation good to have you with us now with the permanent rescue fund now approved the struggling heel european countries now in the clear. i don't think they are as your reporter has just said a lot hinges on future decisions taken about budget cuts in the individual countries but i think the more important points are to well on is the fact that so
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with today's ruling absolutely nothing has changed the basic problem in europe and indeed other countries of the world is of course that there is too much debt both private and above all public and nothing today and nothing on any other future occasion is going to make that problem go away even budget cuts are not going to make the essential problem go away which is that the states are too heavily indebted and even the various so-called austerity programs which have been imposed i'm not going to produce a budget surplus which is the only way of repaying debt unless of course there is economic growth and there's a final point this is the european union for many decades now has played a game of smoke and mirrors whenever there's a crisis whenever there's a problem to be solved it rearranges the institutional furniture by creating the european stability mechanism it's done the same thing again what i think it's very important to understand is that the european stability mechanism is a capital front to which all the members of the eurozone have to subscribe and that
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includes those countries who are potentially the recipients of mail or money so for example italy which is one of the countries in crisis has got to stump up one hundred twenty five billion euros for this fund now where is this money going to come from you can't expect italy or spain to stump up money to a fund which is supposed to bail them out it just doesn't add up so i think that what will happen is that the markets will be quiet and down for a while as they have been frankly over the summer period that as on previous occasions when bailouts have been announced. well we'll look at the reality and see that nothing's changed chancellor merkel told the parliament there germany can only prosper if europe does as well do you agree with theirs i mean is this too much pressure on germany to work she is saying of course isn't she that germany has to pay off these crisis states in order to prevent the euro from collapsing on one
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level she's right if the euro collapses that will be initially bad for german exports but she's not looking at the other side of the equation and nor is it a body else in the european union which is that if europe is forced as it is being in to a long period of recession and decline and above all inflation because today's decision undoubtedly opens the way to inflation which incidentally i think is the policy now of european governments because the only way to get rid of the debt if those if if europe embarks on zero growth recession and inflation then neither germany nor europe will do well reserves in our for more protests today i mean with strikes against nearly twelve billion euros in cards economists have longer just let greece would be better off just out of the euro why hasn't it happened and is there still a chance it might. there is a chance i personally think greece would be much better off outside the euro in
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fact i think all the eurozone members would be up and would be better off. the reason why it hasn't happened is very simple is that if greece goes out of the euro then the markets will say the euro is not impregnable which country is next and the answer to that question would be spain greece is relatively easy to bail out spain is not italy is not so the european leaders are determined to prevent greece from leaving the euro because they simply fear a chain reaction there if they fear that once you let one country go the whole project will unravel and in that calculation i think they're probably right but that explains why greece is being kept inside the euro and being forced to undergo an internal devaluation which is the worst of all possible worlds from the point of view of the greeks resells now let's go over to germany the federal court has said a number of conditions on this rescue fund one of which limits their germany's exposure to one hundred ninety billion euros one of billion hits that mark who is
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going to be the knight in shining armor. well as i said in my answer to your first question this is largely smoke and mirrors because a lot of the capital from the european stability mechanism comes from the crisis states themselves so italy is putting in money to save it along which is obviously nonsense if however the funds runs out of money if there is some further crisis that is quite possible then all that the german parliament or all that the european stability mechanism used to do is to go back to the german parliament and asked for more money the court ruling today does not rule out that possibility it might be politically difficult to achieve a constitutionally it's perfectly possible the ruling today is simply said that any increases in the amount of capital foot into it must be approved by the parliament but as i'm sure your viewers understand perfectly well this whole problem is a problem of excessive state debt in other words excessive state spending and you cannot us solve a problem of excessive state spending by more state spending it's
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a simple one. mr john locke linda thank you very much the director of studies at the institute of democracy and cooperation live from paris for us. right here watching are still ahead for you this hour among store what allies israel is desperate for the u.s. to take any more western line against iran think it can wait for more talks to produce results but washington says the israelis are overreacting. activists in syria say battles have intensified in the country's largest city of aleppo with rebels trying to seize the international airport now under control of government troops the airfield is thought to be used by security forces to pound opposition fighters in other areas of the city on sunday a car bomb attack in the lord and part of aleppo killed at least thirty people the new u.n.
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envoy is preparing to travel to the capital damascus on thursday hoping to get peace efforts off the ground russia's foreign ministry says the u.s. and e.u. one security council are quick to condemn some attacks but refuse to denounce others. in the school so far the un has strongly condemned any terror attacks then our colleagues failed to condemn the recent terror attack on syrian security forces in damascus saying that it wasn't really a terror attack as it targeted those who fought against the rebels that explanation frankly shocked me then we suggested condemning not just the attacks in aleppo but those across iraq as well where more than one hundred people died but our partners refrain from any strong statements which makes me think that their position must have changed dramatically and some western countries must deem terror attacks are acceptable when it suits them i wish they'd refute this suspicion but for now i have to keep it. there you are sir there's no rift or with israel over their stance
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on iran washington insisted both states are committed to preventing the country from developing nuclear weapons an accusation that iran has always denied israel. has recently increased its calls on the white house to get tough on iran without much response the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants the u.s. to set up red lines defining boundaries for when america could strike iran the obama administration has so far israel to give diplomacy and sanctions a chance this comes as the u.n. nuclear watchdog the i.a.e.a. is planning to pass a resolution criticizing iran's nuclear plans to show that talks are a real alternative to force writer and journalist afshin rattansi believes at these rallies that maybe running out of options will never really seem out of touch at the moment even mitt romney obama's fellow contender for the presidential race is
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being strong this ridiculous comment from the israelis international media you're interested in. what you about the deaths in the ensuing destruction intel reports that repeatedly say that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program but for going in the bin despite the in the past few days saying it in richmond has actually decreased not that what is an associated press quite understand the machinations of what the nuclear debate in vienna actually is but no i think go on iran increasingly it looks like the third world war is some time off a little i mean they don't you know is increasingly desperate but i think the fact that mr dempsey himself his exact words i would not want to be complicit on an israeli attack on iran speaks volumes i hope dempsey tells a bomber to stop the sanctions. are you watching our two back to our top story now . we're showing you live pictures from the u.n.
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security council that has convened to discuss the attacks on american diplomatic missions in north africa in one of which are the u.s. ambassador to libya was killed of course we will bring you more on this. story as we get it right here on our team. for now more of the world's news of for you somalia's newly elected president gave an assassination attempt which saw gunfire and explosions targeting his temporary home in the capital casualty reports are unclear but several bodies are reported lying on the ground after the blast at the jazeera hotel her sunshade mood who's hurt who was elected president by a parliamentary majority on monday in the first such election in decades in the water and country. major fires in two factories in pakistan have claimed over three hundred fourteen lives and injured dozens more the most deadly brains was at a close workshop in karate but it's not known how it started the victims either
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suffocated or were trapped in a basement unable to escape emergency crews expect to find more bodies a second fire shoe factory in lahore reportedly broke god when employees try to turn on a generator during a blackout. a popular south african politician julius malema has called for a national mind strike encouraging the escalation of disruption that's already halted production or to platinum and gold mines his speech was greeted by the cheers of thousands of mineworkers meanwhile thousands more strikers a march on a hospital in mari gano where some miners are being treated they claim they were tortured by police the unrest will spark last month after police shot did thirty four striking minds. it's time now for the latest in the business world with k.t. good to see you again or so why street is now open for the day what's happening
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there yes that's right u.s. stocks are actually dating so far as how this is so far so good in the first kind of twenty minutes also trades it's certainly early days but right now the gains are on optimism. the federal reserve will announce a third round of call and says on the slide it out small investors around to surprising and. all the economists and a boom box of i believe this is going to come at the same time as keeping the zero interest rate policy three to twenty fifteen so as we can see what the dow turns around a quarter of cents at the same for the nasdaq as well well into the european markets at the center at the moment pretty traders were given a boost off to jump as high as constitutional court allowed the country to ratify the year areas but out funds of european markets are heading north as a result of that as would be the dots on the seven tenth's of the foot say around six tenths imposed to the territory as for the euro the is probably no surprise
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that it is to get even one twenty nine zero while the trade is a favorite path business called put it in the common currency and that's often the cold brooding which means the biggest economy in europe can continue being beaten back by the region they were making earlier on in the week as to how the court was going to make that decision as we can see it with a group of us still managing to get a good to boss the person to the exit markets in moscow winning. for movie all the international markets also want to mention the oil is going to always a big momentum here in mall sky also i'm just talking about the general sentiment at the moment global stock markets aren't dissipating a move never seen before and i'm talking about the so-called triple headed measures which are expected to stimulate growth in the main spalls of the world's economy now stuff on one day out from swiss bank. explains what exactly this entails for. we are in a process where there's three main economic zone in the world the united states
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china and the euro and i think very accommodative measures this is the thing that we have never seen in our life before and a consequence of that is this kind of military recession will push the price of. commodities and it will be quite good for community currencies and we're recommending our clients to invest in emerging debt in local currencies because it will benefit from that trend about russia so russia is a country that we are very positive on because it will benefit from the strength to leave the current valuation of the ruble does not reflect properly the price of oil and we expect the russian ruble to appreciate in the coming weeks and months we are very positive on russia in the sense that this is a country that has a very low government debt. just about ten percent of g.d.p.
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and it does a very good fiscal situation. i can't over go further sorry i'll be back in about fifteen minutes or so i was more business up like thanks for that abdicating i will see you then just right after the headlines i want to russia's biggest businessman explains how we can if kapor the worst of another global crisis. wealthy british style. that's not on the type of.
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markets why not come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into a report on. the news a secret lover taurine to mccurry was able to build a news most sophisticated robots which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care only dot com. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized ever.


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